Right and Three-Quarters is now officially: RTQ Apparel.
Back at the beginning of October, I started working with Baylee Buchanan at Buchanan Design to redevelop and redesign my Shopify website for the initial apparel launch in 2023. Fonts, colors, logos and naming were all huge topics we discussed throughout our time working together on this project, and I could not be happier with the results!
One of the first issues we noticed with the current website was the whimsical and almost child-like feeling of the colors and fonts. And while those feelings aren’t bad in any way, it was not really matching up to the kind of apparel I was planning to sell. The garments are very technical and sophisticated. They are designed for professional women who travel for business, and “child-like” was not even close to a good way to describe them. So we made changes.
The new slender type-face and soft but warm colors on the website evoke a much more appropriate feeling about the products it will feature. We also spent a lot of time working to simplify a very complex set of benefits these garments will offer to the traveler.
Instead of writing a ton about it though, I encourage you to go check it out!!