Launching in December 2022, Unmarked Street is officially opening up a new Referral Program for individuals who might have future clients to share with our company. Over the past year, our greatest asset has been the number of amazing connections we have throughout the apparel industry. Numerous past coworkers, managers and friends have connected me with some of my best clients and we’re now in a position to be able to offer an incentive to those of you who bring business to our doors.
If you know of anybody who is looking to start their own apparel line from scratch or if you know of a position at an apparel brand that needs to be filled with contracting hours, send their information our way. You can reach us directly on our website contact page to let us know about the lead.
If your connection signs with Unmarked Street, you will get a percentage of their signing deposit, just for making the introduction. This is a great time of year to add a little extra cash to your monthly income to help with all of the holiday festivities. We look forward to hearing from you all!